day 20 (01/06) (continued)
fiji 2000.
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day three of the cruise. we're running up quite a bar tab by now and have worked out a system whereby we manage to keep a decent buzz all day even though we have to account for about a fifteen minute lead time on a round of drinks. i begin to wonder if we're not all trying to drink ourselves into oblivion because the ship's entertainer is constantly bombarding us with the most mind bendingly horrible renditions of songs that sucked in the first place.

oh the card playing antics.

mitch partakes of the hors d'ouvres.

dining, later that evening.

very nice skies during dinner.

not a bad view for a restaurant.

later that night, some people from a nearby village came and performed a meke. it filled me with a very touristy feeling. i'm guessing that they don't dress up in grass skirts and dance for each other terribly often.
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