HTTP/1.0: Bringing one bucket to the well

5 March 1997

[bonk! image]The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the software silk used to spin the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, modern browsers traverse our Web with the swiftness of flies trapped in Charlotte's. Sadly, an elegant design often leads to poor performance. A tasteful protocol like HTTP often experiences growing pains; new features could encumber the Web's original architectural grace. Before the New Web is ready for public consumption, though, important extensions must be added for secure transactions and better performance. The Web has been evolving rapidly and HTTP must adapt to support the Web's success.

HTTP was originally designed by physicist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Working at CERN, the European center for nuclear research, he needed to share reports and blueprints with collaborating physicists in other countries. The Internet was the solution to his problem; they just needed a new tool to locate documents and navigate through their work. Early browsers hid confusing Web idioms, such as URLs and HTML, allowing users to work in peace1.

HTTP is a simple transport protocol for fetching files from remote machines. A client sends an HTTP request specifying a single method to an HTTP server. The most common methods are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. The GET method sends a request for a single file, such as an HTML page or an inline GIF graphic. The server returns the file with a MIME2 header identifying the type of file. POST is typically used by HTML forms to send data to a back-end CGI script. The PUT and DELETE methods are subject to the server's discretion. Most servers would rather not have anonymous users modifying the server's files. (Just ask the CIA!) Have some fun with your new knowledge!3

Unfortunately, HTTP interacts poorly with TCP, the underlying transport protocol. HTTP is a "clean," stateless protocol and ignorantly creates a new TCP connection to fetch each file. Each connection requires additional handshaking and flow-control between the client and server, increasing the overall transfer time. Server throughput is also hindered by each of these TCP connections; extraneous connections block other clients and increase the amount of state information the server must remember.

An enhanced version of HTTP could remedy some problems of the original HTTP design, while maintaining backwards compatibility. The Internet Engineering Standards Group is considering a draft proposal of HTTP/1.1, informally known as HTTP-NG. HTTP/1.1 could enable you not only to buy your girlfriend4 flowers over the Web with complete peace of mind, but to do it quickly enough to make up for forgetting her birthday.

Mutual authentication will allow clients and servers to know with whom they're sharing privileged information. This information can be encased within encrypted HTTP messages and passed safely through untrusted networks. Software hooks could allow users to plug in new payment mechanisms, such as DigiCash (or whichever ecash systems become popular.)

Performance is improved by streamlining the handshaking between clients and servers. Rather than creating a new TCP connection for each file request, HTTP/1.1 can multiplex a number of "virtual sessions" with a client over a single TCP connection. Once a server connection has been established, multiple file requests can be shuttled across the connection with little delay.

There are two strategies for transitioning from HTTP/1.0 to the proposed HTTP/1.1. The first is the "dual stack approach". New Web clients could support both versions of HTTP. When talking with an old HTTP/1.0 server, the client could recognize the new HTTP/1.1 methods have confused the server. The client would resort to speaking HTTP/1.0 to retrieve the remaining files from the server. Unfortunately, the dual stack implementation offers no benefit to old Web clients.

Another transition strategy is to use an HTTP/1.0 proxy server. Old clients would ask the proxy servers for requested files and then the proxy server would fetch the files from the real HTTP/1.1 server. A big advantage of the proxy server approach is that old Web clients could unknowingly benefit from the performance improvements of HTTP/1.1 Web servers. Since the proxy server may often be running on the client's local network, the client can quickly retrieve files from the proxy server that have already been pre-fetched using HTTP/1.1 optimizations!

Starry-eyed software companies have their own plans for the New Web. Trying to lug a tired rabbit out of a hat, Sun Microsystems has decided their Network File System (NFS) should replace HTTP as the language of the New Web. NFS, spoken by veteran file servers of the LAN world, has been retooled for the web: enter WebNFS.

The original NFS was designed for local-area networks, where there is usually little need for error recovery or flow-control. The Big Bad Internet, however, requires big-time error recovery and flow-control. Stop signs may provide adequate flow-control for your residential neighborhood, but an interstate highway5 must deal with quite a different set of issues.

WebNFS is plain-vanilla NFS plus a couple easy assumptions. Minimizing the initial handshaking between clients and servers improves performance over high-latency networks6. A pedantic NFS client negotiates with a port-mapping service at well-known port 111 to determine the NFS server port. Since most NFS servers use port 2049, the lazy WebNFS client might forgo port negotiation and head there directly. The client can specify the full file pathname to a WebNFS server in a single HTTP URL. Regular NFS clients must traverse a file path one directory at a time, a killer in high latency conditions.

Unfortunately, WebNFS is just a transfer layer protocol. As a lowest common denominator file system, NFS can't support all high-level features of HTTP. For example, HTTP uses MIME headers to describe data files, allowing the browser to interpret each file intelligently. NFS can only retrieve raw binary files, forcing the browser to guess at the contents of files by, for example, hoping the filename extensions look familiar. If you don't mind the games Windows 95 plays with its "long" filenames, then you might not be bothered by these parlor tricks either.

While marketing departments are dreaming new schemes to "Webbify" their products, academic researchers are exploring more fundamental issues of Web expansion. Basic questions, such as how to integrate existing applications with the Web or how to maintain data coherency across the Web, are still unanswered. At the University of California at Berkeley, researchers are studying these problems as part of their WebOS/WebFS project.

The goal of the WebFS project is to create a file system abstraction for common Internet services. For example, a prototype WebFS for Solaris already enables unmodified binaries to reach for files across the Web. The global Web namespace becomes part of the local file system; a kernel module quietly translates references to remote files into HTTP requests. WebFS clients don't need to know WebFS or HTTP syntax to access files over the Web, while Sun's WebNFS requires that clients and servers speak WebNFS. In fact, Berkeley's WebFS could be extended to support new transport protocols, including Sun's WebNFS.

With the entire Internet as your (and everyone else's) hard drive, cache coherence becomes a major concern. The WebFS project proposes using IP multicast to improve file caching and reduce network latency. Many applications, such as interactive games or stock prices, are only interested in file updates. Rather than bombarding a server with multiple requests, clients could ask the server to forward new information when it's available. The server doesn't waste time processing redundant requests. The network routers aren't busy transmitting old information. The client can just sit back and relax, knowing it'll receive pertinent updates when they're available. Everybody's happy!

Unfortunately, IP multicast has some problems. Common browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, don't support multicast yet. Also, clients must use a shared multicast address to receive message updates. The Internet Protocol (IP) has a limited number of addresses reserved for multicast groups, though the proposed IPv6 should have more than enough multicast addresses. Assuming multicast services become popular, network routers could become swamped as their routing tables grow too big to handle efficiently.

Defining the shape (and brand name!) of the New Web is a prize sought by many software companies. Netscape is developing Constellation, an Internet-ready replacement for the user's desktop interface. Microsoft projects like Nashville and ActiveDesktop will create the illusion of a Web-like interface to your local file system7.

Independent Web developers may be left wondering which New Web technology is the True Grail. Every user has different demands, though, and the real answer may be "None of the above". More likely the answer is "All of the above, sort of..." *

-- Chris <> sometimes wonders if the Web is actually browsing him.