With telnet client in hand, you can spoof a Web server into thinking you're a proper Web browser! Enter the following incantation of magical Unix commands (you type the stuff in bold face):

% telnet www.go2net.com 80
Connected to www.go2net.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0

... followed by an extra return and then let the fun begin!

You can also supply your own HTTP headers to the server. The editor who is adding this paragraph used to mess with the "BrowserWatch" type services by making up his own browsers and new, non-existent versions of popular browsers. So, before you type that second return, you could add something like this...

User-Agent: Netscape/5.0alpha2 (X11; I; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4u)

or maybe this...

Referer: http://www.playboy.com/

See section 10 of RFC 1945 for the complete list of standard HTTP/1.0 headers. I suggest you change the "www.go2net.com" in the example above to something else before going too wild. Insert metaphor about not biting the handwriting on the wall here.

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