samskivert: Euler 013

16 January 2008

Problem 013:

object Euler13 extends Application {
  val data = List("37107287533902102798797998220837590246510135740250",

  def toList (number :String) :List[Int] = { => (c - '0'));

  def toNumber (list :List[Int]) :Long = {
    list.foldLeft(0L)((a :Long, b :Int) => a*10 + b)

  def sumTens (numbers :List[List[Int]]) :List[Int] = {
    var sum = 0;
    for (number <- numbers) {
      if (number.length > 0) {
        sum = sum + number.last;
    return toList(sum.toString());

  def rightShift (numbers :List[List[Int]]) :List[List[Int]] = { => list.slice(0, list.length-1))

  def sum (numbers :List[List[Int]]) :Long = {
    if (numbers.last.length < 9) {
      numbers.foldLeft(0L)((a :Long, b :List[Int]) => a + toNumber(b))
    } else {
      sum(rightShift(sumTens(numbers) :: numbers));

  println(sum( => toList(n))));

For this one, I simply summed the tens column of all the numbers and then tacked that sum onto the list of numbers and lopped off the tens column of all the numbers in the list. When I got down to 8 digit numbers, I simply summed them to get the final result.

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