At 10am we had scheduled a "tour" of the Saharan sand dunes that were
about an hour drive into the abyss from Erfoud. Landon and Heidi opted
not to tour the dunes and instead took a bus to Fes. Vic, Yang and I
hopped in the car with our guide (I think his name was Mohamed, that
was a popular name in these parts) and he proceeded to drive us out of
town and into the desert.
The "tour" of the dunes cannot be properly appreciated unless you
realize how singly the town relies on dune tours for its income. No
sooner than we had arrived in Erfoud, some guy came up to the car and
offered to set us up in a hotel and take us on a tour of the dunes. We
finally evaded him and went somewhere for dinner, not without bumping
into other people offering us a tour. The waiter started talking about
something in relation to our check and I finally discovered that he
was offering us a tour of the dunes. Various other random Moroccans
came out of the woodwork to offer us tours. The desk clerk at the
hotel offered us a tour. The hotel manager offered us a tour. I was
afraid to use the toilet in the hotel room for fear someone would pop
their head out of the drain and offer me a fucking tour. By the time
we actually went on our "tour", we could barely think about it without
giggling or bursting out in a fit of rage.