RoboDJ is an unabashed reimplementation of the ever so popular MP3 jukebox wheel written for no other reason than to satisfy my very particular needs. It has the following features and limitations:
The music repository (the mp3 files), the music server and the music database (MySQL in my case) are all accessed via the network so that they can run on a headless machine wired into one's stereo.
The CD importing client and music browsing and queueing client can be run on any machine in the network, simultaneously and by many people (generally only people on your local area network, but you could let people on the Internet control your music server if you felt the need).
Music can be imported by any node on the network and is then uploaded to the music server.
Importing a CD: setting track names, ripping and converting
Browsing and playing: editing the playlist, browsing the repository, searching the repository.
Little attempt has been made to make RoboDJ easy to install, but if you're crazy enough to want to give it a try, you should download the source. The source is hosted on Github:
% git clone
Once you have the database set up, a music repository directory created and everything is working. You can run the clients using Java Web Start with these links:
They will ask for configuration information the first time they are run (or if they cannot communicate with the music database or daemon).
RoboDJ is released under the GPL. Stop whining, it's good for you. The most recent version of the project should always be available here.
Contributions are welcome. Mail patches to