The article has come and gone and you punks didn't play much anyway. So we took down the servers. However, that doesn't mean that you can't download the code and run your own server. Being magnanimous sorts, we let anyone have the source code to things written in Deep Magic. Feel free to bend, fold and mutilate.
Pick your flavor: gzipped tar file or zip file.
Once you've got it downloaded, unpacked, and compiled, you need to do three things:
<applet width=500 height=400 codebase="/wherever/you/put/wordgame_src/" code="dclient.Rendevous"></applet>
% cd /path/to/wordgame_src/ % java dserver.Server
script to use
when validating words. This is done with the
script. I'll let the cat out of the bag that I'm a Unix weenie and warn
you that it's a Unix-centric script. It expects an input file formatted
like /usr/dict/words
(a list of words, one per line) with
which to seed the dictionary. It also expects to be able to place a
dictionary in /var/preserve/words
. A resourceful hacker
should easily be able to modify these two scripts to function on her
system without problem.
% ./ /usr/dict/words