Red Jade Camp: Clean up plan

Designated Leave No Trace Nazi: Michael Bayne (

An Ounce of Prevention

Cleanliness is next to manliness

Our camp mates have been briefed on our cultural choices to promote the leaving of no trace:

Structure installation, operation and tear down

Both the dome and the tea house are 100% reusable and minimally invasive to install. We will use rebar to anchor the tea house and earth anchors for the dome.

The tea house will encourage the use of reusable containers for the receipt of tea and provide clear instructions that disposable tea cups are not to leave the tea house.

Both structures are fully enclosed with floor and walls as well as closable entrance (the tea house by a draped door and the dome by zipped doors and screens) to prevent fiddly bits from blowing out into the wild yonder. Both structures will be thoroughly cleaned before taking them down to prevent accumulated bits from escaping during that process.

Site clean up

Sunday, following pack up, a coordinated sweep of our camp grounds will be made, inspecting each square foot of playa to remove any stray bits that may have accumulated during our stay. All trash accumulated during the event will be taken home in the truck to relieve the camp members from having to dispose of it themselves. It will be recycled or deposited in a landfill as appropriate.

Camp members are encouraged to help out with the cleaning of any of the other camps that they enjoyed during the trip. They helped us to have fun, we can repay the favor.

Extra credit

Further information on leaving no trace and general good advice are available:
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