day 17 (01/03) (continued)
fiji 2000.
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we spent today in suva, fiji's capital. we hit the kava market and a variety of souvenir hawking establishments. all in all, suva seemed like a nice little town.

made it to the crafts center where there's a whole bunch of stuff and people very eagerly motivated to sell it to you.

next door to the crafts center, these two guys were playing checkers with bottle caps.

how cool.

the ywca seems to have seen better days.

the ever popular 'mis-use of the english language' (tm) sign.

i found it so amusing to see bula and vinaka on signs instead of welcome and thank you. clearly i need to spend more time outside the u.s.

back to the airport to fly back to nadi and on to saweni beach.

later that night at saweni, i got bored and decided to go try to take pictures of the waves in the pitch dark. it worked better than i thought.

claudia dropped by the beach for a visit wearing her newly acquired indian dress and bindi.
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